
10 Day You Challenge

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Three Films

1. The Holiday. I love it every time I watch it, which is a lot. It's a nice, sweet rom-com and it always reminds me that I need to be the leading lady in my own life.
2. Easy A. I love it so much. Emma Stone is completely hilarious and I love that in the film, she's a good person with a penchant for 80s movies.
3. Lost in Translation. This one has recently taken a lead in my life. It consoles me when I feel melancholy and it's my go-to movie when I can't sleep. Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray are perfect together.

1. Zombieland. It's one of the most clever, funny movies I've ever seen.
2. Braveheart. You can never get enough of angry Scottsmen graphically fighting for their freedom.
3. The Count of Monte Cristo. I love the book and I love how different the movie is because it took the meticulous elements of revenge and displayed them with such cinematic beauty.


Larissa said...

Kristie - Totally adore and fully support your first two picks. Haven't seen the third.
Karl - whyyyyy does it make me giggle inside to hear you use words like "meticulous" and "cinematic beauty?"

Kristie said...

Hahah, ya. Karl looooves cinematic beauty.

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